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Barby Schacher | Western Art Pastel Artist

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Equestrian Art, Western Art & Wildlife Art

Most of the inspiration for my artwork comes from growing up on a small cattle ranch in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with its gorgeous scenery and abundant wildlife.

Drawing has always been a passion. I’m basically a “self-taught” pastel artist who specializes in Western Art and Wildlife Art. Having had no formal training, over the years I’ve developed my own artistic style through hours of practice, “trial and error” and by observing and experimenting with the techniques of other artists that I admire.

I create my pastel paintings in layers using very sharp pastel pencils which enables me to paint very detailed, realistic pastel paintings. The subjects I choose are mainly those I’m most familiar with such as horses, cattle, and North American wildlife. I also use crystal clear reference photos, as a guide, often chosen because of their wonderful and challenging detail, contrast between light and dark that can add so much drama or interest to the piece and combinations of colors that I feel complement each other in ways that create an overall eye-pleasing pastel painting.

In addition, creating artwork that has special meaning (whether personal or in general) and art pieces that have a “story-to-tell” are personal favorites![/content_box][spacer height=”20″][content_box type=”without-header”]

Artist Biography – click here

Artist Portfolio – click here

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Barb’s Western Art

    • 6071 Bead Lake Rd.
    • Newport, WA  99156
    • Ph: (509) 671-2606

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