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“First Impressions” Pastel Painting Original

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New artwork – I recently completed “First Impressions”, a pastel horse painting on Bristol paper of two horses greeting each other. Anyone who owns a horse or two or who has spent any amount of time around horses has probably witnessed this play out numerous times. I know I sure have.

They may be greeting each other for the first time or they may be two old friends who haven’t seen each other for a while.

Horses who are strangers to each other will usually go through a sort of “getting acquainted”ritual that begins with this type of greeting. Sometimes it goes well and other times it may end in hooves flying, kicking and biting. It just depends on whether they sense good vibes or danger, a challenge or a threat at the time.

Other times, two old friends will begin with this greeting and then display a sense of joy in being reunited by running and playing together. It’s amazing to watch.

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horse painting
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